We have multiple business stakeholders based in countries all around the world.
It's important for us to engage with these leaders in each country to understand their needs, engage with them and demonstrate the value we can add as a learning team even though we can't meet them face to face
Does anyone have any best practice in terms of global stakeholder engagement they'd like to share?
Thanks very much
I found it helps to set up Communities of Practice for business stakeholders and this can then lead to cross pollination of ideas but in groups small enough to feel comfortable in voicing their opinions. You can set parameters for the COP as this helps focus the discussions and you can act as protagonist or empathiser whichever is appropriate. COP's can then share their thoughts with other COPs and have an identity that includes their country values but has already started to blend them within the context of the group. In my experience countries as diverse as Brazil and Bulgaria have been delighted they have not only got the same challenge but that they found similar paths to solving it.
Can you or other members of the group clearly define what "stakeholders" means for you in Learning Management terms? It is a term used frequently now and it is worth defining it exactly.
Thanks, John
Hi John,
I would say that "stakeholders" vary depending on what you are looking at but they are often all persons that can influence the creation of a training program, such as Subject Matter Experts, Business owners, Project managers, Trainers etc. But the "stakeholders" are also the persons that will receive the training and can influnce the success of the training program such as the learners (of course), the learners managers and other "ambassadors" supporting the training.
If you are delivering training via a Train the Trainer concept with a cascading roll-out it is of great importance to identify influencers (stakeholders) in different markets.
But much is depending on your organisation, structure and subject. The above is more to give you an idea of my view.
Depending on the size of your stakeholder group and that you not can meet them face to face I would suggest that you interview a couple to discuss their needs mapping to the value you can deliver. Then make a survey which you send out to the rest to confirm the needs (This may be a cost if you have to translate into many languages).
After this you can present the value you can deliver to the stakeholder based on the confirmed needs. This can be done as web meetings, presenations etc.
All this is of course depending on the resources and time you have available.