• Oct 16, 2014 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2021

Building great, aligned learning with the systems you already have

Daniel Mills, Learning Professional, TWM (The Working Manager)

Boards are sometimes reluctant to invest in Learning and Development when they have questions over the value previous investments. Improving learning provision then rests on getting more from your existing L&D assets. In this session, Daniel Mills from TWM (The Working Manager) will show how other organisations have brought together existing L&D technologies with a ‘single entry portal enabler’, giving new life to existing technologies, and extracting new value from them. In particular Daniel will look at:

  • Why a single point of access puts your learners in charge
  • Understanding the development needs of the people within your organisation.
  • The importance of alignment with business strategy– and how to achieve it
  • Capturing progress and recording actions to support individual development need
  • How a clear picture of increased engagement can be demonstrated to the business

Daniel Mills

Daniel is a Learning & Development professional with over 10 years of experience in the hospitality and retail catering environment. He has helped organisations move away from traditional paper and classroom based development methods to online blended solutions; using technology as the enabler for learning. Supporting key stakeholders to launch online learning solutions successfully in the UK and internationally, Daniel has enhanced many existing development frameworks. This has allowed individuals to realise their potential to deliver increased business performance and in turn helped organisations realise return on investment.


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Making personalized, collaborative learning a reality 
Joel Hellermark, CEO & Founder, Sana Labs 
Collaboration and personalisation are two trends that dominate contemporary thinking about workplace learning. 
Collaborative learning involves synchronous, interactive live sessions with groups of learners, and is powered by social dynamics and community. 
Personalization focuses on self-paced instruction that responds to the unique needs of every learner, and is powered and scaled by AI. 
Is it possible to combine these two? According to Joel it is. In this session, he will explore what it means to combine these two approaches in entirely new ways—using social dynamics to increase engagement while responding to each learner’s needs to improve learning outcomes. Join us to explore the exciting possibilities of personalized, collaborative learning.
Registration link to come