Transforming your organisational learning systems and culture
Nick Denholm, Global Learning Technologies Manager, Mars
Password: Lsg2012
How do you get your organisation learning? That can be a challenge, and the larger and more dispersed the organisation, the bigger that challenge can seem. Nick Denholm, at Mars, had the advantage of learning infrastructure already in place – a traditional corporate university founded in 2004 – but needed to change and build on that to meet the learning leads of a multi-national organisation today. Senior leaders did not all understand the value of learning, employees saw the corporate university as just the LMS, and the university ‘colleges’ themselves had become siloed, patchily resourced, and – crucially – the LMS was not keeping learners satisfied. How did Nick move from this to a successful learning offering over 18 months, and what has the response been?
- Identifying and building a transformation programme
- Getting top-level buy-in
- Making the value of learning clear, and building a learning brand
- Building a comprehensive, business-focused offering
- Making it work: getting the learning administration efficient and effective
Nick Denholm
Nick is the Global Learning Technologies Manager for Mars University at Mars Incorporated, moving into this position in October 2010. In this role, he has the responsibility for defining and implementing the learning technology strategy for Mars Inc. to develop and deploy learning for 65,000 employees across 365 locations within 71 countries. Prior to this role, Nick worked for Mars in the position of Global IT program manager with a particular focus on user centered design, business integration and customer satisfaction. Nick has enjoyed a varied career within Mars that includes electronic engineering, control and instrumentation design and IT service management. Nick lives with his wife and children in Maidenhead, just outside London.
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