Developing your personal brand - practical steps for professional and personal development in L&D.
Nick Jones -Director-Blue Eskimo, Chris Littlewood-Chief Scientific Officer ,Filtered, & Katharine Barnett.-Digital Project Manager, Filtered
As learning professionals we understand the importance of self-development, but do we always appreciate the importance of sharing our insights and experience? Do we recognise the value in developing our personal profiles in order to achieve our aims in our roles and personal lives? This webinar seeks to explore the importance of developing our own skills and sharing our experience in a visible, practical way in order to help market the value of L&D as a function and develop our personal brands. A facilitated conversation, hosted by specialist Learning and Development recruiter Blue Eskimo together with the team from, we'll provide some real world insight and a hands on learning tool to take individual responsibility for our development
- The importance of personal brand in promoting your role and your L&D Function
- How are the L&D profession and our required skills evolving?
- What practical steps can we take to develop ourselves and our brands.
- How can we develop our potential existing training content through personalization
- globalfilter for L&D: a free-to-use practical skills technology from Filtered
Nick Jones , Chris Littlewood & Katharine Barnett.