Has anyone worked on developing an accreditation or certification framework? We are exploring ways of setting something up and need a Goframework as a structure for the organisation which hasn't done this before. We do have assessments built in our training courses but nothing formal. Any advice would be appreciated.
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I've worked for several years as a volunteer outside my regular work on an accreditation system with ProLiteracy. We offer [A] to our affiliates who provide adult literacy instruction within their local communities. We have a description of our [A] system, the standards, and process at: http://www.proliteracy.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=532&srcid...
Our standards fall into two broad categories: program management, and actual service. Within those categories we have several standards and it's important that your standards have indicators or some set of items a surveyor can use to determine whether an organization has met the standard. Also, a guiding principle in setting up the system was that we as a national organization did not want to prescribe exactly how a service provider would meet the standard. We wanted individual organizations in the field to have the flexibility to meet the standards in the ways that made most sense given their circumstances.
It's a lot to cover in a discussion thread. If you want to talk about it, please contact me.
This definately seems to be the 'thing of the moment' as I am too looking to develop an internal accreditation framework. Just in the initial phases of gathering requirements and possible systems and third party suppliers before we take it any further. As this is both an IT and Customer Services accreditation programme we have invited a number of organisations in to discuss how they may help us going forwards. Once I have a better idea of what I am doing, would be happy to share.
I've worked for several years as a volunteer outside my regular work on an accreditation system with ProLiteracy. We offer [A] to our affiliates who provide adult literacy instruction within their local communities. We have a description of our [A] system, the standards, and process at: http://www.proliteracy.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=532&srcid...
Our standards fall into two broad categories: program management, and actual service. Within those categories we have several standards and it's important that your standards have indicators or some set of items a surveyor can use to determine whether an organization has met the standard. Also, a guiding principle in setting up the system was that we as a national organization did not want to prescribe exactly how a service provider would meet the standard. We wanted individual organizations in the field to have the flexibility to meet the standards in the ways that made most sense given their circumstances.
It's a lot to cover in a discussion thread. If you want to talk about it, please contact me.
Best of luck,
Hi Hootan
This definately seems to be the 'thing of the moment' as I am too looking to develop an internal accreditation framework. Just in the initial phases of gathering requirements and possible systems and third party suppliers before we take it any further. As this is both an IT and Customer Services accreditation programme we have invited a number of organisations in to discuss how they may help us going forwards. Once I have a better idea of what I am doing, would be happy to share.