Has anyone worked on developing an accreditation or certification framework? We are exploring ways of setting something up and need a Goframework as a structure for the organisation which hasn't done this before. We do have assessments built in our t
We're embarking on a project to develop shared competence assessment tools across our region. So far, we have developed a region-wide Statutory and Mandatory Training Framework which defines learning outcomes and refresher intervals in nine essenti
I am looking for a tool that will allow us to test the IT competence of both existing staff and those that are applying to join my organisation. It would therefore need to be available via the web. Ideally the tool would have simulations to test comp
Please consider actively participating in the conference either by presenting a paper, poster or demonstrating your recent research on e-Assessment. Please feel free to circulate it among your colleagues as you see fit. Look forwar
I remember years ago when I first started developing courseware, I was taught to write the assessment before I wrote the courseware content. I never found this particularly practical from a development aspect. I was wondering if any one actually does
One of the courses I run has 156 lessons grouped into 15 modules taken over 6 - 8 years. Formative assessments at the end of each lesson and summative assessments at the end of each module are pulled from a single question bank of 2200 questions. The