e-Assessment in Practice, 10-11 November 2010

First Call for Papers

Please consider actively participating in the conference either by presenting
a paper, poster or demonstrating your recent research on e-Assessment. Please
feel free to circulate it among your colleagues as you see fit. Look forward
to meeting you in November. I am more than happy to contact any individuals if
you want me to pursue them for a presentation.

Please find further information at

Confirmed speakeres include ...
 Dr. Kerry A Becker
 Beyond Technology: Developing Innovative Items, Pearson VUE
 Dr. Trevor Baker
 Marking complex assignments using electronic peer assessment and an
automated feedback system, University of Hertfordshire
 Dr. Denise Whitelock
 Is it just more feedback or Advice for Action?, The Open University
 Dr. Tom Mitchell
 You may start typing now – e-Assessment of essay style questions,
Intelligent Assessment
 Dr. Michael Kayser
 Secure Assessments -- how to protect the integrity of assessment programmes,
Pearson VUE
 Greg Pope
 Ensuring the psychometric quality of questions and assessments: Theory and
applications, QuestionMark Perception
 Dr. David Walker
 e-Assessment Policy and Practice: Making the Connection, University of
 Prof Cliff Beevers (with John Anderson and Bill Foster)
 What can e-Assessment do for Education? Chairman eAA, Emeritus Professor at
Herriot-Watt University


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  • Please feel free to discuss your thoughts or any ideas for participation at EAIP10.
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