A forum to share and discuss Adult learningmethodologies than can be used to developlearning in the workplace.
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Training through roleplays

In classroom workshops, we all know how effective roleplays and simulations can be. I like to think of two kinds of roleplay tasks:  Learning roleplays and rehearsal roleplays.  Learning roleplays are more fictional and are designed to allow the participants to try out some skills in a safe environment.  They are normally followed by a discussion and feedback on how it went and how well the participant applied the skill set introduced in the workshop. Rehearsal roleplays are designed to…

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What are the different forms of non technology Social Learning in the workplace?

We're all trying to create more distributed and blended learning in the workplace and one of these methods we all hear about is Social networking. I used to think this only meant using Wikis, Facebook and Blogs but after reading a great article I realise social networking is not restricted to electronic networking. Have a read of the attached article from the Aust Institute of Training & Development. It describes what social networking/learning really is and then gives some examples of non…

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Using improvisational comedy in classroom training

A  new discussion. I heard about a training organisation which uses improvisation and rock music to teach business and communication skills.  One example is an improv execise which helps the learners understand that negative power of the word 'but' and how to replace it with 'and'.  e.g. "That's a great idea but how are we going to make it work?" vs. "That's a great idea and how are we going to make it work?" Here is a link:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p005qgy3 I know we use roleplays now,…

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