We are looking for a cost effective method for opening up e-learning to our residents and service users. With a potential 30,000 users we cannot afford a licenced based LMS, so Moodle sounds like a good option. We don't currently have the knowledge or skills to implement Moodle so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for good Moodle training.
Are training courses offered for around £400 good value? Or are there better alternative free resources?
Hi Matt,
In our VLE we have a Moodle course that has been developed using free resources from the web.
These are the topics:
Let me know when's good for you.
More than happy to discuss the Sheffield College programme with anybody....
Hi Craig
Justw anted to pick your brains on the Sheffiled College Moodle programme. We've had a moodle for about a year now and know the basics but need to invest time really learning about the more advanced features, and developing a technical understanding of how it works. Do you think the Sheffield programme would be a good fit?
From your post I'm not sure if you are referring to training for implementation/configuration; or development of content and how to use the system. It may be both. We have recently implemented a Moodle site. I would certainly recommend sourcing external help with implementation and set up. In terms of content, we had one days training with Kineo (who also helped us with implementation), after that we've just got stuck in and learnt how to use it ourselves for delivering content. There are loads of useful reference tools out there to get you and your team more competent. Some of the ones we've used are below:
2 Minute Moodles - http://tomazlasic.net/moodle/moodle-tutorials-2-minute-moodles/
Moodle Bites - http://www.moodlebites.com/
Moodle Tutorials - http://www.moodletutorials.org/
How to Moodle Blog - http://blog.howtomoodle.com/
Happy Moodling and enjoy the journey!
As Joanna suggested, most of PACKT publishing moodle books are really good source of information along with youtube videos , and since packt publishing website seems to be down currently, please find the amazon link below:
There are many good blogs on the Internet, the one I can recommend you is MoodleMan Blog:
With a potential 30,000 users you also need to consider the cost of servers and network bandwidth , or look for some externally hosted solutions.
I agree with Mark.
Our developers recommend this book: https://www.packtpub.com/moodle-administration-guide/book and if you go on YouTube, you can find a fair bit of in-depth-videos there.
You can also check this link out: http://www.slideshare.net/campone/alex-bchner-moodle-mahara-open-so... or you can read Alex Büchner blog on Moodle via this link: http://www.moodleblog.org/?page_id=19
If you need a hand, we can help/ support you in the implementation of Moodle - from customisation all the way through hosting and support. Typical implementation can vary between 1- 4 weeks.
I hope this was helpful.
The courses offered by HowToMoodle have a good reputation, but be aware that they're usually attended primarily by people from formal education settings (eg. FE/HE/Schools). This means that a lot of the content wouldn't be relevant.
I can recommend a book for administrators. It contains a lot of stuff that you won't pick up immediately from the online Moodle manual:
Other than that, I'd recommend getting someone in to help you think through all the questions that you will need to consider for your context, and perhaps even create some custom training for you.