This group is for anyone who has deployed a moodle in their organisation or is thinking about doing so. Discussions will centre around functionality, capability and knowledge of moodle and other useful open source software.

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  • Hi all,
    Can I suggest that questions to the group are raised in the group forum and not on the comment wall.

    It will make it a lot easier to respond to specific questions.

  • I was wondering if anyone has experience using Moodle on a commenrcial side of things? We provide systems training to many different companies and need a way of those companies and sub-contractors to be able to access our course (developed in Captivate). I know Moodle is design more for academic and internal company use but if anyone has experience of using it to deploy training to other companies I would be interested to hear some thoughts. Thanks
  • Has anyone used Microsoft Access to manage / add users to their Moodle site. I am looking for a way to control who can access parts of the site without spending a lot of admin time. Any help would be welcomed.
  • I am looking to implement a repository along side my Moodle site. Does anyone have experience and feedback on Mr Cute
  • Hi All,

    I am in the process of deploying Moodle across our operations in the UK, Spain, Africa and China. The project is huge but using Moodle has made things much easier and you are right, cheaper

    Training to the international operations is by webex with follow on workbooks reinforced by Captivate screen captures

    This is working fine and the collateral developed will be deployed for future use

    We also have a network of 'super users' who provide 'first line support' with a support desk for more technical questions
  • Hi all,

    Always happy to talk Moodle & open source! You can see the sort of Moodle stuff I do on my profile.

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What's the best recognition of Moodle skills?

I've been toying with the idea of devoting some of my professional development time to gaining the Moodle Course Creator Certificate (MCCC). Is this a well recognised certification in the industry? Has anyone in this community achieved it and was it worth it?I'm already designing workshops for Moodle clients but would like to formalise my skills in some way. I'd be grateful for any advice.

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Do storyboards and Moodle mix?

Usually when I develop a course I work directly in Moodle. My new client would prefer that I storyboard the content, as they need to have a number of levels of approval before it is uploaded.Does anyone here work this way and can you suggest any storyboard templates that might be useful? I'm familiar with the elearning storyboard templates like those on Connie Malamed's site but these are not quite flexible enough to capture all the considerations of course development in Moodle. I'd be really…

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