Has everyone seen the attached Draft Framework?
I am just ploughing through it but thought we should all see and comment where required. Comments have to be in by 28th May
The DH would also like this document to be sent to IM&T Directors, so it would be helpful if you could forward it to the appropriate person in your organisation.
Much of the content is available through the CLU site http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/ But results are not sent back to the ESR/NLMS so the student would be required to inform there local Trust of completion of training. They could send a copy of the completion certificate to you as a record.
I have attached the latest course catalogue for reference. Have a look at the index I'm sure there are many courses which would be of use to mental health professionals
2010 04 nlms_course_catalogue_April_V_3[1].0.pdf
There is talk about removing access to the CLU and only having access through the NLMS.
Having had another look at the document it is very acute focussed (in terms of subject content) - anyone else from a mental health trust out there or is it just me?
We have time, effort and money invested in our own LMS (a moodle, not the one through ESR), from my first skim read I couldn't see how that would fit in. Can we still have access to the national packages? I am sure there are plenty of trusts in the same position. Thoughts anyone?