I thought that this would be of interest to the group:
A list of the Charity Learning Award winners 2012 is on Training Journal:
More information about the individual awards, and why they won, is on the Charity Learning website: http://www.charitylearning.org/news-events/news/inspirational-charities-win-top-elearning-awards/
With more about the RNLI's Award for Best Overall Programme on AskGrapevineHR http://www2.askgrapevine.com/news/hr/article/2012-11-16-rnli-recognised-for-online-learning-programme/
And for those interested in news coming out of the Charity Learning Conference last week see the LearnPatch website, created by well known L&D journalist Martin Couzins:
http://learnpatch.com/ or use the twitter hashtag #clcconf12 to catch up!
Whilst you're on Twitter, you could also see the tweets from todays Skills Third Sector conference - use the hashtag #charityskillsconference