I wanted to let the group know about a special webinar with Evaluation 'guru' Jim Kirkpatrick, which is free to all charities around the World.
The Webinar is on 31st August at 3pm (BST).
More details and how to register are in the link that follows - which will take you to a press release which I have just issued on behalf of The Charity Learning Consortium (CLC). The CLC is supporting this event as we asked Jim if he would run a complimentary webinar for charities, as we believe that his evaluation work could have great value for our members! NB. The webinar is entirely independent of the CLC and is being organised by the Kirkpatricks themselves. Any charities from around the World can join.
Here's the press release:
Here's a direct link to register on the Webinar with the Kirkpatricks:
I hope that this is of interest!
Quick note to say that if you work in a charity and are interested in the Kirkpatricks Evaluation work, but unfortunately can't make this webinar time/date, then it's still worth registering - as afterwards you will receive links to download an audio recording of the event and free information and resources.
Have a good bank hols everyone!