We're just about to launch a new updated eInduction programme; it's short, but designed to be inspiring and welcoming. of course its interactive, providing some pretty high level information about our vision, strategy, new structure, etc. it should serve as a prompt for thinking and a more detailed discussion with a new line manager.
The question is... what sort of survey-type questions should we be asking to know whether we've hit the spot - apart from the usual "did this meet objectives?" (to be avoided).
I'd be really interested to know if anyone else has come up with questions which have given them really useful data. Thanks in advance
Hi Jenny
We have recently launched an online learning module at the charity WRVS. For us we identified early on that our objective was not just about knowledge but about belonging to the charity – what do we do and where do I fit in and about promoting the charity.
So we identified three simple questions at the end that we would work towards. Not so much the traditional knowledge check, but what where we wanted to get to in the module.
They are:
How well do you understand what WRVS does?
How do you feel about talking to friends and family about WRVS?
How well could you answer the question, “so what does WRVS do?”.
It is too early to say if we get useful data from this, but it was important for us to have this as the focus for the content and assessment.