Big question! I work in a large charity (5k permanent staff+50k volunteers) who are geographically spread.
We have a PDR process, MD programmes, an organisation strategy, a competency framework, and which all learning/training/development is linked to. We have a fairly robust technological platform, and have therefore exploited this to get a huge amount of elearning on to people's desks, as well as running f2f events, coaching, library etc - ie the blend. We have an intranet where there is loads of "information" on our offerings. However this is hardly ever the first place people go to find out or prefer to find out what they need. We've done the occasional roadshow and other planned communication to launch new stuff. But the biggest challenge is that people still need help because they don't know what they need or how to get it.
I have been tasked with coming up with a kind of journey map/guide which would help someone (new or been here years) find their way through the training maze. Is it just a telephone number? is it a brochure (must not be out of date before it gets to your audience though!) or a simpler intranet page AND... it ought to be something that can be produced and provided "off line" because not all our staff by any means have access to or want to use a pc....?
Anyone ever done anything similar, got a top tip or seen a good example of this in practice?
Your organisation and mine sound quite similar - might a chat over the phone be an idea? My number is 0141 891 4011 - just be aware that the voice mail kicks in quite quickly because we're open plan.
As with all big questions my reply is not an answer but more questions. Hope they help.
I think I'd start with thinking about learner motivation and then your strategy may fall out of that thinking. Why do people take up courses or learning in your organisation? Is it to improve performance? Is it because they need to learn something particular to meet the demands of a new strategy? Are there communities of interest around specific topics? Is time spent on learning recognised and internally accredited? In other words, what's in it for them?
It sounds like there is a lot in place but a missing link that can respond to peoples' changing needs. Do you have any mentoring system within the organisation that might be linked to your learning and development?