I am compiling a list of common reasons for solutioneering in organisations, can you add to it?
1. The human desire to make things concrete to avoid the anxiety of the ambiguous
2. Organisational pressure for quick fixes
3. L&D people who like to provide L&D solutions
Self Deception
Yet another reason for solutioneering.
He says that people resist the probability that they have a problem
It is the fundamental reason why most organisational solutions do not work
His core solutions to getting people out of their self-deception box are; "focus on results", "create a common language", "focus on others
Or use the 7-step process
7. Organisational pressure for solutions that worked in the past. "This worked for that project, so let's do it for this one"
8. Power. "I can tell you what to do and you need to just go and do it".