Let me blog your memory - blog hints and tips

I'm involved in a project that has given me the opportunity to use blogs as a communication and informal learning tool. I've identified people from the management team who will blog bi-weekly / monthly on what their roles are and what they have been doing. Some of the bloggers will have a high degree of specialist / technical knowledge but might not be natural at writing interesting or relevant blogs suitable for the audience.

They will all be new to blogging and although they have really bought in to the idea I want to provide some guidance to them on how they can write blogs and how they present their posts.

I want to engage the learners and keep them interested as well as getting feedback and questions through the blog comments facility. Ideally I'd then like some of the learners to start a blog on their learning experiences and progress etc.

Has anyone got any experiences they could share or have done anything similar? Any hints or tips on blog 'training' for new bloggers? What can I do to embed blogging as a communication and learning tool?

Any help would be appreciated 

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  • Hi Mike,

    Perhaps the most impactful approach would be gather together a number of links to Blogs that you believe have the preffered look, feel and tone that best fits your organisation and then send these links to your fledgling Bloggers.

    This approach would promote their own discovery rather than having a very prescriptive 'top-down' approach to blogging.

    Have a look at the Home Page of this site on the left hand column for some good Blogs.

    • Yeah I think that's a good idea Craig and one that should work quite well in terms of bringing blogging to life. I've also asked the people involved to actively seek any blogs that they can find that they might be interested in reading and following.

      Also found this blog on blogging that may be of interest to anyone doing something similar.

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