Posted by Mike Collins on April 20, 2010 at 7:11am
Ning have confirmed they are to end the offer of free networks and are downsizing considerably. Following LT2008 i created a network for our team which now has over 150 members and is just becoming an integral part of our team after 18 months. Given the current climate i doubt very much we will pay for premium services so it probably means the end of our network and we either start again somewhere else or wait until we have an internal platform. Very disappointing given the work that has gone in to getting the network where it is. Is anyone else affected by this or have any views on the end of free networks? Do you think others will follow suit?
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2 - as far as i know, this is the first attempt at this kind of platform.
3 - i think it might be mentioned in our two day induction programme upfront...but not sure, need to confirm that.
4- since april last year, we've had over 8,000 unique users - that's almost half of the BBC workforce.
5 - there isn't any official training for users - the idea was to make it feel welcoming and intutitive so people are motivated to explore the site.
6 - no official rewards system other than the sharing of knowledge and ideas...if you're seen to be posting lots of good content then that's your name getting known...and we all like our names getting known at the bbc! ;)
7- demographics - we ran a competition last year where people could submit programme ideas to the site, and entries came from all over the BBC from people at all levels and ages.
8- senior people have used it
9- content being posted that's relevant to work..on the whole, it is - the BBC is a creative organisation, so anything that is interesting, inspiring, thought provoking etc could be classed as being work related in that it could potentially inspire a new programme idea or project! . the BBC can be rather a silo driven organisation, eg people from science not knowing what people from history are doing, radio and tv working separately etc. we wanted to create a friendly, welcoming space where people all over the BBC could post content that could be seen by all their colleagues - encourgae cross fertilization of ideas and concepts.
Managed to get a good look thank-you for posting the images.
It looks like a vibrant and colourful community, really like the design. It looks funky and fresh and all those 'down with the kids' terms. Hope you don't mind but I've got a few questions off the back of our own evaluation:
How was Moo launched? E.g Big bang or more informally
It is the first attempt at this sort of platform or grown from something else?
When is it introduced to employees - induction (if you have one) or more informally?
How many users do you have on it daily, weekly, monthly?
Do you provide any sort of training for users?
Do you reward people for using it at all?
Have you any data in terms of demographics e.g. age of users?
Do more senior members of workforce use it at all?
Is all content posted relevant to formal work or is it a mixed bag?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm keen to understand how we can learn from organisations like yours where you appear to use this tool really effectively
In addition to that, we also have developed moo.gateway, an internal idea sharing website where users can post links, share videos, comment on content, join groups etc.
Yammer: Work Smarter, Work Together
Mike Collins > Helen HutchinsonJune 9, 2010 at 4:56pm
Thanks Helen - Yammer is a great tool and really started gathering momentum, unfortunately we can't access anymore.
Love the idea of the moo.gateway - is this something you have developed internally or through an external provider?
answers to your questions:
1 - moo is still in its beta phase
2 - as far as i know, this is the first attempt at this kind of platform.
3 - i think it might be mentioned in our two day induction programme upfront...but not sure, need to confirm that.
4- since april last year, we've had over 8,000 unique users - that's almost half of the BBC workforce.
5 - there isn't any official training for users - the idea was to make it feel welcoming and intutitive so people are motivated to explore the site.
6 - no official rewards system other than the sharing of knowledge and ideas...if you're seen to be posting lots of good content then that's your name getting known...and we all like our names getting known at the bbc! ;)
7- demographics - we ran a competition last year where people could submit programme ideas to the site, and entries came from all over the BBC from people at all levels and ages.
8- senior people have used it
9- content being posted that's relevant to work..on the whole, it is - the BBC is a creative organisation, so anything that is interesting, inspiring, thought provoking etc could be classed as being work related in that it could potentially inspire a new programme idea or project! . the BBC can be rather a silo driven organisation, eg people from science not knowing what people from history are doing, radio and tv working separately etc. we wanted to create a friendly, welcoming space where people all over the BBC could post content that could be seen by all their colleagues - encourgae cross fertilization of ideas and concepts.
Managed to get a good look thank-you for posting the images.
It looks like a vibrant and colourful community, really like the design. It looks funky and fresh and all those 'down with the kids' terms. Hope you don't mind but I've got a few questions off the back of our own evaluation:
How was Moo launched? E.g Big bang or more informally
It is the first attempt at this sort of platform or grown from something else?
When is it introduced to employees - induction (if you have one) or more informally?
How many users do you have on it daily, weekly, monthly?
Do you provide any sort of training for users?
Do you reward people for using it at all?
Have you any data in terms of demographics e.g. age of users?
Do more senior members of workforce use it at all?
Is all content posted relevant to formal work or is it a mixed bag?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm keen to understand how we can learn from organisations like yours where you appear to use this tool really effectively
and if you have any questions about moo once you've looked at the screen grabs just shout.
We've just completed our evaluation of our ning network in order to either build a case to pay for the service or lose the network and what it offers.
Should be a interesting read
moo home page.jpg
moo video page.jpg
moo group page.jpg
In addition to that, we also have developed moo.gateway, an internal idea sharing website where users can post links, share videos, comment on content, join groups etc.
Love the idea of the moo.gateway - is this something you have developed internally or through an external provider?
Don't suppose you could post any screen shots?
i would love to post screen shots as i think it's wonderful...but will check with the powers that be first!