Hi all,

We have started trialling Yammer but at present we are limiting the trial to members within our Training and Development department so we can become familiar with the tool, sharing links, ideas, commenting on them etc.

Before we plan how we can roll this out I would like to hear how others have used Yammer or other similar tools to support existing training initiatives such as classroom, workplace, elearning and online (webinar style) training. I work for a pharmaceutical company within the T&D department that supports the manufacturing and distribution areas of the business, although I'm interested to hear what other businesses have done.

Many thanks in advance for your help. 


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  • Am working on a blended learning offering for football clubs, local learning for players, trainers and fans on a broad curriculum in the clubhouse before and after training, and international links between clubs for live chats and social media exchangeto enable "learning through chatting". seeking investment funding from membership fees and patrons to provide space and computers for the training ...

  • Hi Trevor,

    Forgive me if this is a bit basic/obvious, but some ways we have looked to use Yammer/Twitter have been:


    • Introductions
    • Read article at [Insert Site] and prepare to discuss
    • Watch video at [Insert Site] and prepare list of questions
    • Keep a diary of x for the next 3 days
    • Icebreakers


    • Backchannel
    • Intersession Work
    • Continue Conversations
    • Talk to an Expert
    • Debate
    • Role Play
    • Independent Research
    • Round Robin
    • Brainstorming/Polls
    • Keep Others in Loop
    • Formative Evaluation
    • Reflections


    • Summative Evaluation
    • Follow on Coaching
    • Hosting Scheduled Chats
    • Recommend Others
    • Share Own Learning
    • Reading Lists

    Apologies if this is not what you're looking for.


    • Thanks Phil, we'll look into some of these ideas

  • Hi Trevor

    Have experience of using internal Wikis for knowledge sharing via SocialText; also Wordpress blogs. Our approach has been to start small with small groups who will act as 'champions'. We also have Moodle which does act as a 'community' to some degree. To be honest the take up hasn't been great. We had better success just using social network sites as a research and sharing tool as part of Mgt Development programmes. For example #leadership #coaching. People seemed more familiar with this.

    Good Luck

    • Thanks Ray

    • Does anyone have experience of using Twitter for learning and any example cases? Or if you know of any good academic studies around this? Many thanks, Sinéad

  • Hi Trevor


    We trialled Yammer some 18 months ago, but you do not get any Admin rights (to edit content posts etc) unless you pay, and this would have worked out quite expensive for our organisation with 6000 people.


    So I developed our own learning community using an open source tool called Elgg. This is used to support classroom courses and also acts as our collaboration hub for all 5 south west regional police forces. You can see this at http://www.network5.org.uk


    There are other tools which are slightly easier to configure as well namely JomSocial.


    All you need is a webserver in house or as we did, rent an external web service on an ongoing monthly basis (around £250 a year).



    • Did you have success with Yammer which led you to developing your own learning community? How did you use it and introduce it? We were drawn to Yammer because of the simplicity of setting up and running it, and we are using the free version which does as you say, have limitations.

  • Hi Trevor,

    At my organization, we use Jive 5, which is a social collaboration tool, for facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among employees. We have customized this software and made it our central collaboration platform. We upload all our documents and learning material including Instructor-led decks, eLearning and documents on this platform so that employees from all over the globe can access it. We also have a corporate screenr account (www.screenr.com) on which we upload our application tutorials. Let me know if you have any other queries.


    • Jive 5 is something I've not seen before, thanks for sharing that. This is something we could consider if social media takes off here. Are you able to share what sort of costs were involved and for how many employees?

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