• Oct 6, 2022 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
  • Location: AdobeConnect
  • Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2022

Over 40% of the global workforce is considering leaving their employer this year. L&D leaders have a bigger opportunity than ever to improve the employee experience and worker retention by implementing a positive learning culture. But until now, learning leaders have struggled to even define learning culture—let alone build or improve one.

Join Paresh Parmar, Principal Architect at Degreed, to discover:

  • What 15 things all positive learning cultures have in common
  • How a positive learning culture helps worker retention
  • How to create that culture in your organization

Paresh Parmar is an Intelligent Solutions expert with 15+ years in improving and developing products and processes based on customer requirements and trends in the market. A comprehensive understanding of the education and EdTech landscape, helping organisations understand the value of skills & learning and unlocking their digital transformations.


👉 Watch on-demand now


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