Fear and loathing in social media
Presenter: Mark Oehlert
Password: Lsg2012
Some people fear social media. Others loathe it. Both are natural human reactions, and to introduce social learning into organisations, argues Mark Oehlert, requires a human solution to this resistance, rather than the technological solutions so often celebrated.
In this session, Mark draws both on his work at the Defense Acquisition University and on case studies from elsewhere to illustrate how human solutions are often easy to describe, difficult to implement and fundamental in their impact. For Mark, introducing social tools does not mean tinkering with the delivery of training. It often requires an overhaul of, and radical shift in, working behaviours.
• The three big problems with social learning
• What will you tell people to STOP doing?
• The skills you need to be successful
• The route to success: start small, think big, move fast
• Real-life successes, failures and some lessons learned
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