Scaffolded Social Learning in Action: creating spaces to learn
- Apr 14, 2016 from 11:00am to 12:00pm UTC+01
- Location: Online
- Description:
Scaffolded Social Learning in Action: creating spaces to learn
Julian Stodd, Writer
Scaffolded Social Learning is a design framework to help organisations adapt their view of learning to be fit for the Social Age. It looks at how we move beyond formal learning, that which is written and owned by the organisation, and move towards Social Learning, meaning that is co-created within a scaffolding, by the delegates and participants themselves. Scaffolded Social Learning is a fundamental shift in mi - Created by: LSG
Thursday, April 14, 2016 (4)
Scaffolded Social Learning in Action: creating spaces to learn
- Apr 14, 2016 from 11:00am to 12:00pm UTC+01
- Location: Online
- Description:
Scaffolded Social Learning in Action: creating spaces to learn
Julian Stodd, Writer
Scaffolded Social Learning is a design framework to help organisations adapt their view of learning to be fit for the Social Age. It looks at how we move beyond formal learning, that which is written and owned by the organisation, and move towards Social Learning, meaning that is co-created within a scaffolding, by the delegates and participants themselves. Scaffolded Social Learning is a fundamental shift in mi - Created by: LSG
Gamification: A silver bullet for e-learning?
- Apr 14, 2016 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm UTC+01
- Location: Online
- Description:
Gamification: A silver bullet for e-learning?
Dr. Richard Hyde, CEO, Mind Click
We’re all familiar with the gamification trend, with many already delivering learning games in their organisations. However, many are losing sight of why gamification became popular in the first place: to improve learning outcomes. Many are seeing gamification as the silver bullet of e-learning, but are leaving critical instructional design theories behind in the process. Join Dr. Richard Hyde, CEO at Mind Click, as - Created by: LSG
Gamification: A silver bullet for e-learning?
- Apr 14, 2016 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm UTC+01
- Location: Online
- Description:
Gamification: A silver bullet for e-learning?
Dr. Richard Hyde, CEO, Mind Click
We’re all familiar with the gamification trend, with many already delivering learning games in their organisations. However, many are losing sight of why gamification became popular in the first place: to improve learning outcomes. Many are seeing gamification as the silver bullet of e-learning, but are leaving critical instructional design theories behind in the process. Join Dr. Richard Hyde, CEO at Mind Click, as - Created by: LSG