Scaffolded Social Learning in Action: creating spaces to learn
Julian Stodd, Writer
Scaffolded Social Learning is a design framework to help organisations adapt their view of learning to be fit for the Social Age. It looks at how we move beyond formal learning, that which is written and owned by the organisation, and move towards Social Learning, meaning that is co-created within a scaffolding, by the delegates and participants themselves. Scaffolded Social Learning is a fundamental shift in mindset, where we relinquish control of the story, whilst shaping the overall narrative. It helps people perform better. In this session, we will:
- Explore how learning has changed in the Social Age
- Introduce a framework for designing Scaffolded Social learning
- Explore ten co-creative behaviours and understand how they are used in Scaffolded Social Learning
- Look at how we use Stories and storytelling at the heart of learning and
- Learn how we can assess the success and return on investment
Julian Stodd
Julian Stodd is a writer and cartographer of the Social Age, a term he uses to describe the new reality we inhabit. His work takes a holistic view: looking at how every aspect of the organisation needs to be adapted to fit this new world: from leadership to learning, technology and HR, what worked got us this far won’t get us the rest of the journey. Through over 1,300 articles, eight books and hundreds of conference sessions, workshops and webinars, Julian is fortunate enough to be able to share his story and inhabit a truly global community.
You can find his writing at .
Julian was deeply touched to be awarded the Learning and Performance Institute Colin Corder Award for Services to Learning in 2016, an honour he hopes to live up to.