I am thinking about creating a quiz in Captivate 5, however we do not have an LMS to capture the MI for completion of the e-learning course. Can anyone suggest how I would collate stats on course completion?
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Perhaps you could report to Adobe.com. I presume this is what Susanne was alluding to?
We don't use it as we have a LMS but we were told it works.....!
You have to have signed up to Adobe as do your target audience.
Go to Quiz - Quiz Preferences
Enable Reporting
Specify Adobe.com then Configure
Specify your user name and password
Enter details for Department, Course and Assessment
At this point a link is created in expectation of delegate results in the Adobe Quiz Results Analyser
Publish files as normal. Any users will have a Post Results button
Thank you John and Susanne for your replies, rather than using Acrobat.com or the e-mail option, I am looking into creating an internal server to capture the stats.
Hi Anju
Use the report via email function.
Its in the global settings of the project.
Hi Anju
Make sure you test the email function before going ahead. I tried this and it didn't work! I looked on the Adobe community forum and found that it doesn't always work and is a known issue.
You can write the results to a php or asp file - there's an example file supplied called internalServerReporting.php. You can then download and view to Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer or Excel or other such.