Software advice - Assertion-Reasoning-Connection questioning
Hi,I will be shortly embarking on a project to move a large amount of our learning content from paper/e-paper, into e-learning materials to sit on an LMS system. A quantity of our material often asks for specific (to the individual) responses. We don't necessarily want to record this information but will need to gain a response which confirms the learners complete understanding. With this in mind I have been asked to look at software which incorporates assertion-reasoning-confirmation…
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In my organisation we have 4 developers including myself. We have set up our own server and are a self directed work team and basically started with 4 desks and the rest was up to us. We use Captivate 5.5 and Smart builder for authoring. We also use Camtasia, Adobe CS5, Logic pro, and other tools to create our own media.. We have developed a system for which courses to design in house and outsource and have only been in operation just over a year.
I'm afraid I've too much work load myself to help as a mentor, however I would definately consider upgrading to V5 of Captivate (around £250 + vat) which has some great new features and effects, plus if you use variables you can develop some very interactive training. I attach a document which gives you 25 ways to keep learners awake EngagingInteractionsForELearning.pdf which might help to spice up your projects.
My manager and I have been talking about how the learning design of our internal content creation hasn't really changed that much in the past 4 years - gone a bit stagnant.
How can I spice it up, be more innovative and create engaging content? Would this mean new software; we currently use Captivate4, which is good, but are there other 'best in class' authoring tools that we should consider?
I now have the opportunity to work on a new 'compliance' course on Security Information, (high profile but potentially dry content) and would really welcome the opportunity for someone to step forward as an external mentor to suggest, coach, innovate and generally help and inspire me to produce something exceptional. I want to build my network of others in similar roles in organisations for sharing ideas and supporting one another. Any takers?
I also use Camtasia for simple screen recordings and to produce videos with subtitles. It is simple to use and in some ways does a better job of screen recordings than Captivate which I tend to use for authoring more. Camtasia doesn't offer so many interaction features as Captivate if you are wishign to produce software tutorials, although for screen recording of a process I love it!
Just to add to the range of questions on this topic, I see no-one has mentioned Camtasia yet.
Has anyone had experience of it (ease of use/publishing, simplicity of output files, tracking etc)?
How does it compare to the usual suspects (such as Captivate)?
Really interested to hear thoughts.
Hi Folks,
We use Lectora, Captivate, Presenter and have recently introduced Flash and Photoshop training to the ID Group. We also have the ability in-house to edit audio and video content.
We use Lectora primarily and in some cases will have Captivate loaded to it as an animation. Captivate is used as the primary program on other courses. Everything is publised to our LMS in AICC format. We have used SCORM before but we changed our LMS last Autumn.
Our training team is small and getting smaller so design, development, delivery and system management is becoming a concern. Multi-tasking is a requirement as opposed to a nice-to-have! Our biggest issue at the moment is measuring return on investment. We are puling ideas together at the moment and once they are in place we should be able to put a good case in place for the Leadership Team.
We used external providers previously but have stopped this mainly because of costs and ability to edit files etc for course revisions. Some quality is impacted but in terms of team development, turnaround and sense of achievement it has major positives. We are still in a learning curve so watch this space....
Yes - There should be some concerns and I hope you or someone within your organisation is RoboHelp fluent. I used the software application for 3 years and produced some quality programmes. It's a good beginner's application
Thanks Lee and Dennis for your very helpful comments.
We'll probably go with Lectora since the department that chose it is ahead of us in the purchase process.
When I asked the department rep what they were going to use it for, they said to "replicate" their classroom training. They also reckon they won't need Flash-type software. Should I be concerned?
I use Captivate5 on a daily basis for ALL our e-learning..whether it is software simulations or traditional e-learning courses. Captivate 5 is nothing like the earlier version1 which was primarily a screen recording tool. Version 5 gives you complete control over everything even down to buttons, variables and advanced actions for branching, you can include flash video and a host of widgets from the market place. You can create randomised question pools and comes with a host of different question types and learner interactions. It has developed into quite a comprehensive authoring tool, but still easy enough to learn.
Like everything there is a learning curve to get to know al the features. I have used Lectora but have seem a demo. It also looks quite comprehensive. The main difference I could see was that Lectora publishes out as HTML where as Captivate publishes out the course as a single .SWF flash file which runs inside the browser using flash player.
Both packages are SCORM 1.2/2004 compliant. The difference is the price which is around £850 for Lectora and £600 for Captivate.
Personally I am a big fan of Captivate but equally I would be happy to use Lectora. In my work area, many of the other forces also use Captivate which makes sharing project files between forces easier.
Hope this helps.