Rapid Development Tool for a Novice
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this group and to the corporate training world as a whole. I am looking for a good rapid development tool to get me started but am a bit lost with all of the different options available. I have considered Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, BrickLayer, iSpring, and Zenler but don't really know much about any of them. Does anyone have any recommendations?I am a training department of ONE, so I need something that is fast and easy since I will be creating all of the…
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Hi, I have a (13 yr) background in mostly skills development training, and have recently taken a post with Bangor University where I'll be involved in creating (amongst other things) online skills tutorials/workshops. I've experience using Captivate & Panopto for instructional tutorials (Agresso) but I'm very much the novice when it comes to using this medium for skills training provision. Any help much apprciated, a bit of signposting/recommendations particularly so I can focus my efforts and avoid any pitfalls! Thanks.
Hi everyone,
We created a learning platform regarding web development. We provide trainings for free, provide personal mentoring for the students, and help those people who cannot afford to go in school for some reason.
We need help reaching out to students, recent graduates or other people who are interested in learning these topics. If you're interested just visit Village88.com.
I would be very grateful if some one could point me any formal definitions of the term M-learning - particularly in contrast with distance learning and e-learning.
Wednesday 10 November 2010
0900 - 1000 Registration and Coffee
1000 - 1005 Conference Administration
Michael Hewetson, Director Symposia at Shrivenham, Cranfield University, DA-CMT
1005 - 1015 Welcome and Introduction to the Defence Academy
Brigadier Mark Lacey, Head of Technology Division, DA-CMT
1015 - 1045 Beyond Technology: Developing Innovative Items
Dr Kirk Becker, Pearson VUE
1045 – 1115 Developments in Open Source e-Assessment to Support the Independent Learner
Dr Phil Butcher, Open University
1115 - 1145 Coffee
1145 - 1215 e-Assessment and Functional Skills
John Winkley, AlphaPlus Consultancy
1215 - 1245 e-CAF: A System for Efficient Quality Electronic Coursework Assessment and Feedback
Dr Shun Ha Sylvia Wong and Dr Tony Beaumont, Aston University
1245 - 1315 Mobile Phones – Delivering Authentic Assessment
Gavin Cooney, Learnosity and Patrick Craven, Cambridge Assessment
1315 - 1415 Buffet Lunch
1415 - 1445 Ensuring the Psychometric Quality of Questions and Assessments: Theory and Applications
Greg Pope, QuestionMark
1445 - 1515 Marking Complex Assignments Using Electronic Peer Assessment and an Automated Feedback
Dr Trevor Barker, University of Hertfordshire
1415 - 1545 What can e-Assessment do for Education?
Prof Cliff Beevers (with John Anderson and Bill Foster), Herriot-Watt University
1545 - 1615 Afternoon Tea
1615 - 1730 Panel Discussion: e-Assessment is Doomed to Failure Unless……
1730 - 1930 Delegates’ Reception and Supper
1930 Delegates transported to Blunsdon House Hotel, Madison Hotel and Campanile Swindon
Thursday 11 November 2010
0830 - 0900 Morning Coffee
0900 - 0930 You May Start Typing Now – e-Assessment of Essay Style Questions
Dr Tom Mitchell, Intelligent Assessment
0930 - 1000 eTests in a Programming Course – Student’s View Versus Teacher’s View
Gerd Holweg, University of Applied Sciences Vienna
1000 - 1030 Raising Standards: Mobile e-Assessment Delivery for the Financial Services Industry
Denis Saunders, Calibrand and Joe Wilson SQA
1030 - 1100 Coffee
1100 - 1130 Secure Assessments – How to Protect the Integrity of Assessment Programmes
Michael Kayser, Pearson VUE
1130 - 1230 Piloting Video Podcasting Feedback with Overseas MBA students
Nigel Jones, Panicos Georghiades and John Gunson, UWIC Cardiff School of Management
1230 - 1300 Panel Discussion
1300 - 1400 Buffet Lunch
1400 - 1430 The Assessment/Testing Dialogue
Piet Kommers, University of Twente
1430 - 1500 e-Assessment Policy and Practice: Making the Connection
Dr David Walker, University of Dundee
1500 - 1530 E-assessment using Simulation and Synthetic Virtual Reality Environments
Dr Majid Al-Kader, Skills2Learn Ltd and Nathan Baker, Holdfast Training
1530 - 1600 Afternoon Tea
1600 – 1630 Using Turnitin2 for e-Assessment
Anne Flood, nLearning Ltd
1630 – 1700 Proximal Solutions to Providing Student Feedback
Dr John Seeley, London South Bank University
I am an e-learning designer working for the University of Leeds and am quite fond of Articulate Studio 09 (I do stuff like this among other things). I'm organising the Second European Articulate Conference on the 17th of May in Leeds and thought some of you may want to check it out.
We've got many very cool people contributing (see conference programme) and lots of useful and fun stuff to see and do.
A few places are still available if you'd like to sign up (details in the programme above).
Have fun and hope to meet some of you soon in Leeds,
Dr. Dragos Ciobanu
Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology
Research Fellow
Centre for Translation Studies
Staff Development Officer
Staff and Departmental Development Unit
University of Leeds
I am writing an article for http://diepresse.com, Austria's top quality newspaper, on state-of-the art web-based language learning systems. Readers are all types of organisations, HR, researchers but also learners who are interested in using these. Can anyone of you point me to state-of-the-art technology, great solutions, user-friendly solutions, solutions preferred by organisations where language learning plays a role? Also, what are key points that should be taken care of?
Many thanks for your hints -- I would appreciate to get your thoughts or contact persons. I will be happy to quote you or your contacts. Here are references to my articles http://www.talkshop.cc/en/writing/articles/index.html
Christina (www.
Members of the group might be interested in participating in the conference either by presenting a paper or poster or demonstrating your product.