Hi Everyone, I'm new to this group and to the corporate training world as a whole. I am looking for a good rapid development tool to get me started but am a bit lost with all of the different options available. I have considered Articulate Storyline,
Just wondering what everyone finds best & easiest to use for e-learning course development this year? Are there any new tools you find useful, particularly any good freeware you recently noticed? I'm starting new courses soon and wanted to c
I will be shortly embarking on a project to move a large amount of our learning content from paper/e-paper, into e-learning materials to sit on an LMS system. A quantity of our material often asks for specific (to the individual) responses. We don
I've two weeks to learn how to use Articulate to develop e-learning content. I've no prior knowledge. Any suggestions of free quality on-line learning sites would be greatly appreciated.
Good day, I am still new to using Captivate (version 4) and am struggling to get the bookmarking to work correctly. At the moment when I upload SCORM content to our LMS, it does bookmark. However, once you have finished the course and would like to d
Can anyone tell me what elearning they use for Microsoft Office training? Corporately our organisation uses mostly Office 2003 with a small percentage using Office 2007.We currently use an elearning suite supplied by a third party company called Lear
Does anyone have any simple ideas how to capture basic information (name, role, location, manager) to provide an auditable record of completion of a mandatory compliance elearning module, by a potentially huge (<50k) group where they don't (and will
I am trying to find a way of delivering audio files in an e-learning course without the use of flash and that will work across several versions of windows media player. avi & wav have been ruled out but any suggestions for the compression format tha
We have a team of trainers who are taking their first steps in creating e-learning and currently have access to Captivate 5. They're finding it a bit clunky and aren't really confident that even with time and effort spent on producing content that
Is there anybody out there up to date on the IMS Global Learning Consortium's Common CartridgeCommon Cartridge specifies six things.1. A format for exchange of content between systems so that there is a common way to interpret what the digital learni
Is anyone using their BlackBerry Platform to deploy any form of learning?If so, what authoring software/tools are you using and what are your experiences to date - good and bad?I have a platform of approximately 1,500 users of the BlackBerry Bold 900
So many tools to choose from, I thought it would be a good forum to post your loves and hates for all to see.Plus I am sure help is always at hand from other users.Neil