All Discussions (12)

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Hot new tools for 2013

Hi there,

Just wondering what everyone finds best & easiest to use for e-learning course development this year? Are there any new tools you find useful, particularly any good freeware you recently noticed? I'm starting new courses soon and wanted to c

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Captivate expert help needed

Good day, I am still new to using Captivate (version 4) and am struggling to get the bookmarking to work correctly. At the moment when I upload SCORM content to our LMS, it does bookmark. However, once you have finished the course and would like to d

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Elearning for Microsoft Office

Can anyone tell me what elearning they use for Microsoft Office training? Corporately our organisation uses mostly Office 2003 with a small percentage using Office 2007.We currently use an elearning suite supplied by a third party company called Lear

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Compression formats for mp3s

I am trying to find a way of delivering audio files in an e-learning course without the use of flash and that will work across several versions of windows media player. avi & wav have been ruled out but any suggestions for the compression format tha

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M-learning via BlackBerry

Is anyone using their BlackBerry Platform to deploy any form of learning?If so, what authoring software/tools are you using and what are your experiences to date - good and bad?I have a platform of approximately 1,500 users of the BlackBerry Bold 900

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