We have a team of trainers who are taking their first steps in creating e-learning and currently have access to Captivate 5. They're finding it a bit clunky and aren't really confident that even with time and effort spent on producing content that it will look as professional as they'd like it to be. I think we need to spend some time getting to know it better, but first of all I think we need some vision about what we're aiming for.
I saw on the Kineo website that they'd produced some content but to get it to look better, they'd used flash. What i'm after are some examples of e-learning people have produced purely using Captivate. Do you have any?
Hello Marie,
We (Academy within a software company) are using Captivate for creating software simulations and demonstrations and integrate these Captivates into our eLearning courses created with Articulate Presenter '09.
We learned that Captivate is excellent for creating software training or make very basic and small non-software courses. If you are looking for more advanced and professional looking courses, I would recommend Presenter '09 (or Lectora).
Some links to see examples of eLearning courses:
Hi Vincent
Thanks for the response - I think that is what we may need to do, look at Articulate or something similar to use in conjuntion with Captivate. I wonder, has anyone come across Jackdaw? http://jackdawcms.com/
Hi Marie
I've been using Captivate since v3 and it's come a long way since then. Recently I've been trying to get my colleagues using it too and experienced simiar problems to you. I think a large part of the problem is that face to face trainers need to adopt a different design process as well as develop a different set of technical skills (graphic design, navigation, layout, writing etc.). Clunkyness normally comes from poor design.
Captivate can be a bit tricky to get to grips with, but if you do most of your design in powerpoint and then import it, you can ease yourself into it. I also recommend following/finding people like Lieve below who provide fantastic support to the Captivate community. One of the criticisms Captivate and Adobe get are the lack of support, but that's not true anymore. RJ Jaquez and Pooja Singh, Allen Partridge and others regularly run great free webinars that you and your team would find helpful. They also have all the recordings available here:
You can find news about new live webinars on the official blog:
I'd be happy to share some of our work with you, but I'd have to do it via webinar, Let me know if you're interested.
Hi Marie
I am an Adobe International Education Leader
and happy to have you contact me at abasiel@gmail.com
Please see the Captivate workshop I did at the Informatology conference
last year at
Dr Anthony 'Skip' Basiel
Hello Marie, I do use Captivate a lot and have a blog that is almost exclusively focussing on Adobe Captivate. In most of my blog posts you'll find a (small) Captivate-created SWF. I also published some articles with included SWF's. You'll find the list of those articles in this blog post: http://lilybiri.posterous.com/articles-on-advanced-actions
The tutorials I create for my students are in Dutch or French, and deployed on our LMS. That is a bit of an issue here to show you some of them. I'm not only using Captivate for software trainings but also for other trainings. And I like the integration in the eLearning Suite, using roundtripping with Photoshop, Audition and occasionally Flash a lot. For external students I publish a PDF-portfolio with interactive Captivate and Presenter-SWF's and occasionally another document (Acrobat Pro is in the eLS as well). I have been using Lectora for more theoretical courses (didn't like it that much) and occasionally I capture a small demo with Camtasia, to insert it in a Captivate module.
Hi Lieve - Love your blog! Your examples are great & will really help.
Hi Marie
I have used Captivate for over 5 years on a variety of topics, since V1. I have used it for software application demos as well as non IT subjects like Safeguarding Children, Domestic Abuse etc.
I am presently using verison 5.0 which has come a long way since the early version 1.0.
I attach a small .SWF which is a sample of one of my earlier projects on using Outlook. (the main links to the menu etc may not work at the end as it is a file taken from a directory of many which link) but it will give you some idea of what you can do with Captivate.