For those working in IT or L & D in Law Firms
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  • Dear All
    We are starting a project shortly which will involve implementing, testing and evaluating the use of Moodle. As we know the challenges of finding an LMS for the legal sector that stands up to the 'Ronseal' test is quite difficult. Even though its early stages I would be keen to hear from the group. Have you implemented Moodle already? Is it something you're considering? What Good/Bad experiences have you had from your LMS'. Seeing as its Open Source it could be a great opprtunity for us to collaborate and potentially development resource and learning. Imagine a world where we solve the problems of CPD tracking for instance....
    Look forward to hearing your thoughts....
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Moodle LMS

Dear AllWe are starting a project shortly which will involve implementing, testing and evaluating the use of Moodle. As we know the challenges of finding an LMS for the legal sector that stands up to the 'Ronseal' test is quite difficult. Even though its early stages I would be keen to hear from the group. Have you implemented Moodle already? Is it something you're considering? What Good/Bad experiences have you had from your LMS'. Seeing as its Open Source it could be a great opprtunity for us…

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Microsoft Business Certification Program

I have been asked to look into whether Microsoft's Business Certification Program would be of any value to our business.I'm only just starting to understand the what, where, why etc... but I would be interested to hear from anyone who has or is using this program in any away (within a law firm environment)many thanksMartyn Bullard

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