In the Cafe session "From E-Learning to Social Learning" on the 9th June we considered a number of the people issues that might need to be addressed when implementing social learning in the organisation, and which of these needed to be tackled first.
Of the 80 participants who responded, the issue they thought needed to be tackled first were as follows
1- Skills - the new skills that employees might need to acquire to support their informal learning, and the new skills that course designers might need to acquire to build effective formal social learning experiences.(12 = 15%)
2 - Collaborative culture - that some individuals adopt a more collaborative approach to working and learning, e.g. being more open to sharing knowlegde and resources, and collaborating with others (23 = 29%)
3 - Management buy-in -- that some managers who didnt' "get it" would need to be convinced of the value and importance of social learning and collaborative working (41 = 50%)
All 3 (3 = 4%); and already doing it (1=1%)
Which of these people issues do you believe you need to tackle first and why?
You need to be a member of learningandskillsgroup to add comments!
For our organisation, the next key step in relation to people issues, is to address the skills needs of staff in working with social media.
Collaborative working and learning is already very much part of the culture of the organisation & is taken as a given. With regard to Managment buy-in, this has taken some time, but has been achieved. The key for us was in descibing the media and their intended impact in terms which made sense to management - I had to develop a clear business case & demonstrate the business and efficiency impact the technology could make if implemented. The key was in taking existing processes and demonstrating how the selected tools could streamline and improve them.
This leaves staff skills & the trick here has been to support them whilst they are working with the tools.
"The key was in taking existing processes and demonstrating how the selected tools could streamline and improve them."
Keith, I think that's exactly the right way to be considering these tools. The key to getting buy in is offering solutions and improvements to real organisational issues. Awesome!
Collaborative working and learning is already very much part of the culture of the organisation & is taken as a given. With regard to Managment buy-in, this has taken some time, but has been achieved. The key for us was in descibing the media and their intended impact in terms which made sense to management - I had to develop a clear business case & demonstrate the business and efficiency impact the technology could make if implemented. The key was in taking existing processes and demonstrating how the selected tools could streamline and improve them.
This leaves staff skills & the trick here has been to support them whilst they are working with the tools.
Keith, I think that's exactly the right way to be considering these tools. The key to getting buy in is offering solutions and improvements to real organisational issues. Awesome!