A place to share good practice, tools, techniques and other related L&D governance. The aim of the group is to provide ideas and support to any L&D team looking to benchmark their progress and improve what they do and how they do it.
229 Members


By provided a space to share and collaborate, network members can learn new processes, methods, develop existing ones and enhance the quality of the learning and development we all provide. There are lots of benchmarking tools and organisations that can provide guidance on your journey to exemplary / world class and this group could support that journey.

If you are interested or think this would be of benefit to you, your team or organisation, feel free to join and contribute.


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  • Here in Worcestershire we are trying to put together a Service Level agreement for training and development, and in particular for e-learning that we can use with schools, and specifically with new Academies. Has anyone had any experience of writing SLA's or examples they would be willing to share with me so that I dont have to reinvent the wheel?
  • I am looking into different providers of learning portals and Learning Management Systems. We currently do not have an intranet or offer any e-learning so I am looking for a learning portal that will enable us to offer e-learning and have the ability to manage the booking and admin associated with classroom sessions. I'm looking at some of the larger well known providers but would welcome and recommendations too. Thanks
  • Could anyone let me know the difference between Adobe Captivate and Presenter? It looks as if the do similar things and both use flash. Has anyone used both of these before? Any info would be helpful - thanks
  • I've been thinking a lot about what networks can offer after reading this blog post by Mark Sylvester. Not sure I use my networks as well as I could. Do you?

    Using your network to find answers
    Using your network to find answers to those pesky day-to-day problems - three recent examples
    I had occasion the past two days to reach out to my network to get quick answers to some questions. The process was so effective I t...
  • In the interest of sharing tips and ideas, I thought I'd post a link to my top ten instructional design tips - I'd be really interested to know how these align to what other people think and do relating to ID...
  • Great article - I wonder if any Americans have had a similar experience in a black cab
  • Picking up on Rick's comment that these are exciting times for learning professionals, this blog has a similar message - rather than resigning ourselves to the fact that times are tough, we need to rise to the challenge and take the opportunity to shine.
  • I must declare an interest here because I make a living helping my clients re-invent their L&D departments. The big things that have helped them recently are; training their consultants who engage with the business to quantify performance gaps, showing how L&D solutions are part of joint solutions to close performance gaps, using this information to prioritise L&D projects, dropping any L&D project that do not have a defined business value. Using this approach three of my clients significantl reduced their project lists (by 40%) and maintained their L&D staffing. The recession can be a good time to build the credibilty of L&D and stop clients from Knee Jerk training solutions becuse we can say "Yes and we need a business case in order to prioriise any investment in L&D". Thus giving your L&D consultnst permission to ask questions about and quantify the real problems behind the request for training. Contact me if you want to know more. I did a paper on this at the conference and have a free paperback I could send you.
  • Useful article Charles - thanks for sharing.
  • Following on from one or two detailed comments.

    Competencies - we have redently introduced a regulators competency framework. Regulators self assess against a series of skills and knowledge competencies, identifying possible development needs (and were they excell and could help others). We encourage managers to also complete the competencies for their staff. The two then compare notes and agree any development objectives and activities. This leads on to another point mentioned. As part of this process we have created a database that (i) describes the different methods available to meet development needs (trying to move away from the knee jerk ' training course' solution) and (ii) collates the most useful material in one place e.g. publications, presentations, websites, DVDs, training courses, etc.

    We are also trying to improve our post activity evaluation - getting back to the member of staff to ensure they have put their learning in to practice, to identify what benefit there has been to them and the business and to identify how we could improve the activity undertaken.
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Online Learning Communities

Hi everyone,It's been a little while since I've popped in and shared something but I hope everyone is doing well.I've been working on a big project at DPG since the start of the year moving our online community from a Ning 2.0 (same platform that this community uses) to the new version which is called Ning 3.0It's a completely new platform which provides many more features and options to help you create a thriving community. It's not finished yet in terms of development but there were enough…

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What's been happening?

Hi everyoneThere hasn't been a great deal of activity in this group recently.I've changed roles and left RBS now to head up community development, online learning and social media management at DPG plc.It's been a massive change moving from a very corporate environment and working for a much smaller and more open organisation.I've been creating and developing an online learning / social commuity that supports CIPD / ILM qualifications and I love the community nurturer role.I love being able to…

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What matters most?

I've been hearing the phrase "what matters most" for a while... I think as budgets shrink and resource gets tighter we've seen a  much more strategic view in and around learning & HR toadd as much value as we can within our business. This is a good thing as we're currently focusing on LMS and system intregrations and re-thinking our curriculum approach to it adding value for our people and looking at how we facilitate learning and connect people in ur business. Something that is hugely…

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Professional Development Policy

Hi Everyone, I have been asked to re-write our CPD Policy.  The current policy is permeated by 'training' and this is something that I would like to address by recasting with a distinct 'learning' focus, particularly in recognising that learning happens all the time, in a variety of ways and places and that we should facilitate learning, through continuous collaboration, sharing of good practice, reflective practice etc.  Hopefully, people will start to take greater ownership of their learning…

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