Group for those wanting to share experiences of L&D in central and local government in the UK.
64 Members

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  • New framework launching soon.  Check out the blog on

  • Hi, I'm Mark Craddock and I work for the G-Cloud Programme / Cabinet Office. If your a supplier or buyer of learning you can find out more about the G-Cloud on our blog, and our CloudStore is available at SMEs welcome on this Government framework.

  • Hi I'm Kevin Cowley, Corporate Learning Consultant for Ministry of Justice, based in Petty France, London. I'm specialist in Leadership and Personal development as well as being an experienced facilitator and Licenced MBTI Coach. A trained consultant, mainly working with Senior leaders to identify skills gaps and recommend learning solutions, ensuring links to business outcomes. As you can imagine, in the public Sector there is currently a great need to be incredibly innovative and creative! It is a challenge but also a great opportunity!
  • Hi, my name's Matthew White. I work for Ufi/learndirect. i have managed the delivery of the Life in the UK Test on behalf of UK Border agency for the last 4 1/2 years. The test is 100% online. I would be interested in talking to anyone with experience of switching from paper and pencil testing to online test delivery in the Public sector or those that are looking to do so. With the CSR coming up, I think e-Assessment is one path to find the effiiciencies that government is looking for.
  • Budget on 22nd June has the potential to really shake things up within the UK public sector. It may not be comfortable - but in many cases, it's probably what is needed.
  • Hi, I'm Ruth Alabi, ICT Training Manger for London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Current challenge ... being restructured and budget cuts!!
  • Hi I work for Hastings Borough Council and am the IT Trainer there.
  • Hi all,

    I work for West Sussex County Council as a training officer specialising in ICT training.
  • Hi

    My name is Denise and I am the ICT Training Manager for the Houses of Parliament. I work in PICT (Parliamentary ICT) and am responsible for the Desktop Training for administration staff of both houses and Members.
  • Hi

    I Chaired the Central and Local Government Session at the recent conference. We were asked to discuss what our major shared challenges were and what help the LSG could provide. I have provided the results of our deliberations below.

    While non of them were new the discussion was enjoyable and as always it is beneficial to share opportunities to move forward. The mood was positive and by doing this I am fulfilling my commitment to publish the results of the discussion to encourage further debates and thoughts.

    I would like to hear of any additions any of you have to the Challenges we face in Central and Local Government and further debate on how we could make our networking more effective through this forum.

    Also if the content below raises any questions I would be happy to add anything that would be helpful.

    The Challenges were: IT Systems - Security - Access and use of Webex
    People Managment - Use of IT - Developing Managers
    Skills development rather than Info Retrieval
    Knowledge Transfer
    Keeping Pace with Change - Political and Economic
    Selling Learning - Forced to be reactive - Selling Learning
    What is the future going to look like?
    Cultural - Flexibility of change rediness - Marketing
    Establishing Clarity of purpose

    LSG Help
    Make learning memorable
    Network effective rather than somthing we say we do
    Capitalise on emerging knowledge
    Harness Networking Technology
    brown Bag Lunches
    Technology Acceptence
    Manager Development
    Marketing - Value - Profile of the User
    Promote Engagement

    I look forward to reading any comments and if you want to chat please call me on 07879607692

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Self Service - Do you have any lessons learnt and experiences to share?

Looking for a bit of advice from our LSG members in Local Government and beyond.  I am part of a Programme Office that is implementing a new HRMS system across 3 Local Authorities. As part of this, we are looking to introduce a self service element for employees and managers that will handle routine HR processes. I am about to produce an outline plan that will help each Council engage employees and managers with self service, whether this be for all the aspects of self service or for a few at…

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3 Replies

So... How is it all going where you are?

We, in the Public Sector, are all currently in a state of Flux, Change and Cost Cutting.  I am sure that everyone out there is experiencing change in one form or another, whether it is being scruitinised about cost effectiveness or asked to do more with less. How have you all faired, or are you waiting for October? I, myself, am looking at how I can increase our Performance Support for the end-users in a number of different ways trying to incorporate the 5 moments of need.  So, what are you all…

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2 Replies

Online delivery and assessment to speed up skills training

How can learning technology and online delivery help us to accelerate skills training and delivery? We all know that we need to increase the number and level of skills training - World Class Skills says it all. How can we speed up adoption of learning technology to make it a reality - will it happen anyway? What do you think the barriers are: assessment, funding methodology, cost, any others?

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